Deep Discussions
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What’s in a name? Our Deep Discussions are indeed deep discussions! Once every other month we gather anyone interested to spend an evening discussing challenging topics, such as “What does the Bible say about Free Will?”, or “How to understand Jesus as the Great High Priest in the book of Hebrews?”, or “Can we combine Faith and Science?” We believe that wrestling together with serious questions will sharpen our faith.

While we don’t give you any homework, preparing yourself at home will help you contribute to the discussion, and make you learn more for yourself.

Deep Discussions take place on Wednesday nights every other month at ViaVia travel café (Wolstraat 43, Antwerpen), and start at 8 pm. We can’t promise what time we’re done, but we understand if you leave and head to bed at some point. The discussion is free, but please bring some money to cover your drinks.